Crossroads coming soon!

Restoration Stories

Discover hope through powerful life testimonies.

Journey to Restoration

Reflect on your own life journey—what challenges you’ve faced, what moments of struggle or triumph have shaped who you are today. How might these experiences, both personal and meaningful, be transformed into a story that could inspire others? Consider John 21:24-25, the disciple shares his witness of Jesus Christ. If your own life story were written down, would it resonate as a testament to God’s faithfulness and your perseverance in the face of adversity? How might you use your unique perspective—to heal, to inspire, or to create a legacy that reflects your journey for others? Let your story be a reminder to yourself—and to those who come after you—of the power of restoration, of the beauty of life as it is lived and shared."

white and blue happy birthday card
white and blue happy birthday card
unknown person writing
unknown person writing
black and silver pen on gray textile
black and silver pen on gray textile

About the Author

My name is Elijah. I wrote a memoir that serves as a love letter to anyone looking for restoration. Eben Eden was created to show when seeds are properly planted and you make God your foundation, the ultimate stone of help, He will govern your start to finish. I have always enjoyed reading and writing since the age of six. Collecting journal entries, school assignments, and business papers over the decades has helped form Crossroads. My promise to you is to shine light in a dark space. My mission is to inspire others to believe in their dreams, knowing God will reveal your destiny and purpose.

About the Author

My name is Elijah. I wrote a memoir that serves as a love letter to anyone looking for restoration. EbenEden was created to show when seeds are properly planted and you make God your foundation, the ultimate stone of help, He will govern your start to finish. I have always enjoyed reading and writing since the age of six. Collecting journal entries, school assignments, and business papers over the decades has helped form Crossroads. My promise to you is to shine light in a dark space. My mission is to inspire others to believe in their dreams, knowing God will reveal your destiny and purpose.

Art of Creating a Testimony

How to capture the essence of your faith transformation

woman wearing white shirt
woman wearing white shirt

Begin by introducing yourself and sharing significant challenges or moments in your life that shaped your faith.

person standing near cliff
person standing near cliff
silhouette of man standing on high ground under red and blue skies
silhouette of man standing on high ground under red and blue skies
Challenges and Growth

Reflect on its impact and how it contributes to your personal growth. Include specific lessons or truths learned from these experiences.

Demonstrate how God's grace played a pivotal role in overcoming these challenges, highlighting the restoration of your relationship with Him.

Role of God's Grace

Begin Your Journey